This year's World Blood Donor Day campaign slogan was "Donating Blood is an Act of Solidarity." Join the fight and help save lives." Prof. (Dr) Abha Chandra, Medical Superintendent (IIMSR), Dr. Syed Belal Hassan, Dy. Medical Superintendent (IIMSR), Dr. Pradeep Tandon, HOD Department of Pathology, Dr. V. K Chaudhary, Regional Director, Regional Office of Health & Family Welfare Lucknow, Dr. Nischay, RHO, ROHFW, Lucknow, and other faculty members addressed the session. Fifty-seven (57) volunteers signed up for voluntary blood donation, and forty-three (43) of them were found to be suitable, and they were able to donate blood successfully.In addition, Dr. Mayank Anand, Incharge Blood Bank, and Dr. Nischay, Regional Health Officer, ROHFW, Lucknow, conducted a motivational session and oath ceremony to raise awareness about the benefits and importance of blood donation.