House System

The House System and its Objectives

Techno Academic Higher Secondary School Megacity infuses the child with the spirit of camaraderie, competitiveness and cohesion right at the grass root level though the House system, Ali Mian House, Maulana Azad House, Sir Syed House and Sarojini Naidu House. Each child initiated into the Techno Academic Higher Secondary School is placed in a House and is gradually introduced to the ethos of the institution. Each house has a House Master and House Mistress to whom he/she may turn for assistance at any time. All students from class II and above are placed in the four houses and all activities academic, co-curricular and intemural, are based on inter-house competitions.

The house system was devised to promote team spirit and a sense of belonging to the school. Also, this enables the senior students of the school to provide care more systematically and he their junior schoolmates. The House System provides excellent opportunities for student leadership and peer group support. Aided by dedicated staff members, and house captains, it is a remarkable medium for enabling students of different ages to bond together and operate as a cohesive family. The House system helps support and co-ordinate the corporate life of the school and develops the athletic side of school life along with the purely scholastic aspect, and thereby attains the goal of a liberal education, namely " a healthy mind in a healthy body. " The House system provides students with support and encouragement in their academic and co-curricular activities.

Through the daily contact time of morning roll call and a 30-minute House Assembly per fortnight, House staff are able to monitor their students' progress and cultivate positive relationships. The system provides an exciting division of the mass of pupils into units wherein each pupil has a rightful place and in which he takes pride. Houses are a common and successful way of building a superb school community and spirit. The Houses compete in different sporting, cultural, and academic competitions, and provide an excellent way to synergize pupils of different classes and ages, all of whom have a common goal and purpose.

→ Ali Mian House

→ Maulana Azad House

→ Sir Syed House

→ Sarojini Naidu House

Our Philosophy

Techno Academic Higher Secondary School is a humble endeavour to touch the heights of excellence in the field of education under the aegis of Integral University that has evolved over last seven decades with a spirit and a vision to excel.

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