Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are given below:

PEO1:  To produce graduates who have strong foundation of knowledge and skills in the field of computer science and engineering.
PEO2:  To produce graduates who are employable in industries/public sector/research organizations or work as an entrepreneur.
PEO3:  To produce graduates who can provide solutions to challenging problems in their profession by applying computer engineering theory and practices.
PEO4:  To produce graduates who can provide leadership and are effective in multidisciplinary environment.

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering (Cloud Technology and Information Security)

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are given below:

PEO1:  To provide opportunities for acquiring in-depth knowledge of fundamental concepts and programming skills for integrated development.
PEO2:  To apply current tools, technologies and research to create systems for solving industry oriented problems.
PEO3:  TO develop ability to demonstrate team work with the ability of leadership, analytical reasoning for solving time critical problems and strong human values for responsible professional.

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) in Association with IBM

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are given below:

PEO1:  To provide theoretical and practical knowledge of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (in the domain of Computer Science & Engineering) for leading successful career in industries as well as pursuing higher studies.
PEO2:  To develop the ability of innovative thinking, analyzing and making decisions for offering techno-commercially feasible and socially acceptable solutions to real life problems by applying AI and data Science.
PEO3:  To develop lifelong learning, professional and ethical attitude for embracing global challenges and make positive impact on environment and society.

B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering (Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence) in Association with IBM

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are given below:

PEO1:  To provide theoretical and practical knowledge of Cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence (in the domain of Computer Science & Engineering) so that student can solve real world problem or become entrepreneurs and play the leading roles in enterprises.
PEO2:  To develop the ability of innovative thinking, analyzing and making decisions for the problems related to cloud computing and AI.
PEO3:  To develop lifelong learning, professional and ethical attitude for embracing global challenges and make positive impact on environment and society.

M.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are given below:

PEO1:  To produce post graduates who can contribute in research and development to the advancement of computer science and engineering.
PEO2:  To impart knowledge and skills to analyze, design, test and implement diverse range of software.
PEO3:  To develop team work capability so that they can work on multidisciplinary projects and exhibits high level of professional and ethical values.

M.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering (Advance Computing and Data Science)

PEO1:  To produce post graduates who can contribute in research and development to the advancement of computer science and engineering.
PEO2:   To engage in sustainable development and demonstrate data analysis skills for effective interpretation and decision making to solve real life problems.
PEO3:  To develop team work capability so that they can work on multidisciplinary projects and exhibits high level of professional and ethical values.

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering

The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Ph.D. programme are given below:

PEO1:  The main goal of the PhD program is to develop researchers who are well-equipped to undertake research challenges of the future for the benefit of the society. As it is almost impossible to claim that someone has become a researcher without a properly documented record of actual research, an important objective of the PhD program is to extend knowledge about some topic – this knowledge is generated by the Ph.D scholar with guidance of his/her supervisor.
PEO2:  Overall educational objective is to train future scientists who have the capacity to integrate information from multiple domains and competencies and conduct research that can be applied for the improvement of human kind.
PEO3:  To create an environment that encourages the student’s originality and creativity in their research.
PEO4:  To inculcate the skills amongst the research scholars to enable the student to critically examine the background literature relevant to their specific research area.
PEO5:  Giving an opportunity to develop skills in making and testing hypotheses, in developing new theories, and in planning and conducting experiments.
PEO6:  To give an opportunity to expand the student’s knowledge of their research area, including its theoretical foundations and the specific techniques used to study it.
PEO7:  Creating an environment where the research scholar learns to develop skills in written work, oral presentation and publishing the results of their research in high-profile refereed journals, through constructive feedback of written work and oral presentations.

Department Information

H.O.D. Dr. Shish Ahmad
Contact(Ext. No.) 2106
Admissions Email
Admissions Call +91-9335177775

Contact Information

Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
1st Floor, Academic Block-I, Integral University, ,
Dasauli, Bas-ha Kursi Road,
Lucknow(U.P.) – 226026

0522- 2890730, 2890812