Integral University is a premier, NAAC grade A+ accredited University located in the Northeastern part (N 26° 57' 30.4344", E 80° 59' 53.1924") of the UP-State capital city Lucknow. Initially established as a modest school, it swiftly evolved into the Integral Institute of Technology (IIT) in 1998. It later achieved the remarkable distinction of becoming the first UP State-Private Minority University incorporated under Integral University Act No. 9, approved by the UP State legislative assembly in 2004, and is governed through the UP State Private Universities Act no. 12 of 2019. The University is spread over a 125-acre lush green campus and is duly approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under sections 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act, 1956, and is recognized by the Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (SIRO), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research,
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