The laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
The machine room is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
Animal House facility is Approved by CPCSEA and Work under supervision of IAEC, Integral University, Lucknow
Air-conditioned Computer Lab with internet connection and printer facility.
The laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
The Laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
The Laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
The Laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups:
The Laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups
The Laboratory is equipped with following experimental set-ups
Faculty of Pharmacy Departmental library have good collection of Materials, Books and National and International Journals, Internet That are accessible for use. Library Provide quiet area for studying 100 student at a time beside this a Reference Section have adequate collection of Specious and costly books. Library have pharmacy’s official Books like IP,BP,USP and NF. There is LAN and Wireless facility as well as English, Hindi, Urdu Language Newspaper are available. National ,International and e-Journals facility also provided. Atmosphere of the library for standing is very favourable . Currently library accomodate1034 Title and 5407 Volumes.05 International and 20 National Journals. Understanding the importance of computerization using well reputed Integral Library system software. PCs are dedicated to the users to avail the OPAC(online public access catalogue). Many E-Journals viz. Scopus database,Delnet (Developing library netwok) Through E Shodh Sindhu-Springer,Jgateplus,Jstore,oxford universityetc. And E- Book(World Book libray directory of open access books)are accessible. Library provide on line books issue & Return facility by software and Biomateric entry for users.
The Pharmacy Department has an air conditioned Seminar Hall which has capacity for 200 students and is equipped with high speed networking equipment, adequate teaching and learning aids like Computers, LCD projectors, sound system etc. to provide our students the best of the learning environment & methodology.
The seminar hall is utilized for presentation made by students for their projects, seminar, reports etc as well as for expert lectures, training programmes, workshops etc.
The Pharmacy Department having Herbal Garden with more than 50 medicinal value plants of different categories. The students are motivated to take benefit of this garden to identify the species and to understand the morphological characterization of medicinal plants.
Medicinal herbs are a valuable asset to every garden. Not only do they provide you with unique and bold flavours and aromas, they also act as personal pharmacies, helping with ailments ranging from inflammation to infections. Medicinal plants are also beautiful and hardy additions to the garden, offering unique colours and fragrances with little need for pampering.
List of Medicinal plants available in the Herbal Garden of Faculty of Pharmacy
S.NO | Plants Name | Uses |
1 | BAEL Aegle marmelos,F. Rutaceae |
Fruits are carminative, aromatic, astringent, cooling, febrifuse, nutritive,laxative, anti- dysenteric and anti-diarrhoeal. |
Cassia fistula, F.Caesulpinaceae |
Fruits are cooling, purgative, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and ophthalmic. |
3 | AMLA
Emblica officinalis, F.Euphorbiaceae |
Fruits are carminative, diuretic, laxative,aphrodasiac, astringent and refrigerant. |
Lawsoniainermis, F.Lythraceae |
Leaves are bitter, astringent, refrigerant, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, constipating, febrifuge andliver tonic. |
Terminalia arjuna, F.Combretaceae |
Bark is astringent, sweet, cooling,urinary astringent, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, expectorant, and hepatoprotective. |
Nyctanthesarbortristis, F. Oleaceae |
Leaves are antibacterial, expectorant, bitter tonic, febrifugeand purgative. A dye extracted from the corolla used in dying. |
Syzygiumcumini, F. Myrtaceae |
The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic, cooling, anti-diabetics, anti-diarrhoeal and anti-fungal. |
Terminalia belerica, F.Combretaceae |
Fruits are astringent, tonic, laxative and expectorant and used in cough, sore throat anddysentry and diarrhoea. |
Tamarindus indica, F.Caesalpiniacae |
Fruits are used as remedy for intestinal diseases, diarrhea and haemorrhoids. Powdered seeds are used in dysentery. |
Carissa carandas, F. Apocynaceae |
Treatment of leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea, diarrhea, hemorrhages, general weakness, gingivitis, tooth ache and as cardiotonic. |
Thevetia peruviana, F. Apocynaceae |
Cardiac stimulant but in its natural form is extremely poisonous. Seed oil is used to make paint with antifungal, antibacterial and insecticidal properties. |
Murrayakoenigii, F. Rutaceae |
Flavoring agent, used in cough, asthma, |
Bauhinia variegate, F. Caesalpinioideae |
Bark and flowers are used as antinociceptive, tonic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anthelmintic,astringent, cough, diarrhea, skin diseases, diabetes, worms, hemorrhoids &cervical lymphadinopathy. |
14 | Spanish cherry (Bakul)
Mimusopselengi, F. Sapotaceae |
Bark, flower, fruit and seeds are used as cooling, anthelmintics, febrifuge and astringent,treatment of bleeding gum pyorrhea and loose teeth. |
15 | Fire bush
Hamelia patens, F. Rubiaceae |
Treatment of skin problems including, sores, rashes, wounds, burns, itching, cuts, skin fungus, and insect stings, menstrual cramps, fever, bloody diarrhea and intestinal parasites. |
16 | Ashoka
Saracaka indica, F. Caesalpiniaceae |
Treatment of menstrual disorders associated with excessive bleeding, congestion and uterine spasms. |
1 | Bajradanti Wedillachinensis,F. Compositae |
Leaves, flowers and stems are used in liver disorder, antibacterial, leprosy, skin hair care and tooth ache. |
2 | Bhringraj Eclipta alba, F. Compositae |
Arial parts are used as brain tonic, liver disorder, antibacterial, leprosy, skin and hair disorder. |
3 | Datura Solanum stramonium, F. Solanaceae |
Arial parts are used as antibacterial,in peptic ulcer, cough and sore throats infection, wound healing and sedative. |
4 | Brahmi Centella asiatica, F. Umbellifereae |
Arial parts are used as brain tonic, sedative epilepsy, sore throats and antibacterial. |
5 | Apamarg Achyranthes aspera, F. Amaranthaceae |
Arial parts are used as hepatoprotective, diuretic, treatment of liver and spleen enlargement,tooth bleeding, renal dropsy. |
6 | Rasna(Khulinjan) Alpina officinarum, F.Zingiberaceae |
Rhizomes are aromatic, stimulant, carminative, anti-bacterial, anti-tussive and tranquilizer. |
7 | Cannabis Cannabis sativa, F.Moraceae |
Narcotic, sedative, analgesic, euphoric and aphrodisiac. |
8 | Garlic Allium sativum, F. Liliaceae |
Rhizomes are carminative, digestant, flavouring agent, insect repellent, cough and sore throats, hepatoprotective, anti-lipidimic and aphrodisiac. |
9 | Ajowan Trichyspermumammi, F. Umbellifereae |
Fruits are used as carminative, digestant, flavouring agent, insect repellent cough, sore throats, bronchitis, its oil is antiseptic, antifungal, insecticide and anthelmintic. |
10 | Dill Anethum graveolens, F. Umbellifereae |
Fruits are carminative, anti-tussive, digestant, flavouring agent, insect repellent, hepatoprotective, anti- oxidant and ingredient of gripe water. |
11 | Coriander Coriandrum sativum, F. Umbellifereae |
Fruits are carminative, digestant, flavouring agent, insect repellent, cough, sore throats, hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant and used in condiments. |
12 | Sadabahar Catharanthus roseous, F. Apocynaceae |
Arial parts are used as anticancer, leukemia, malaria, Hodgkin's disease and anti-diabetic. |
13 | Sudarshan Crinum latifolium, F. Amaryllidaceae |
In the treatment of prostatitis, uterine fibroids etc. It is used to enhance cell-mediated immunity hypoxia, inflammation and detoxification. |
14 | Palmrosa Cymbopogon martini,F.Poaceae |
Carminative and insect repellent. Oils used as a fragrance in perfumes, cosmetics, such as soaps and creams. |
15 | Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citrates, F.Poaceae |
Carminative and insect repellent. Oils used as a fragrance in perfumes, cosmetics, such as soaps and creams. |
16 | Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum, F. Labiateae |
Basil herb is diaphoretic, anti-septic, immuno-stimulant, expectorant and used in malaria, catarrh, bronchitis and gastric disorders. |
17 | Pudina Mentha arvensis,F. Labiateae |
It yields an essential oil and menthol which exert, through their rapid evaporation, slightly anaesthetic, antibacterial and mild anti-septic effect. |
18 | Ashwagandha Withaniasomnifera, F. Solanaceae |
Roots aresedative,tonic, astringent, immunostimulant and aphrodisiac. |
19 | Punarnava Boerhaviadiffusa, F.Nyctaginaceae |
Bitter, diuretic, cooling, astringent to bowels, useful in biliousness, anaemia, blood impurities, leucorrhoea and asthma. |
20 | Adhusa Adhatodavasica,F.Acanthaceae |
Bronchial antiseptic, bronchodilator and expectorant. |
21 | Bach Acorus calamus, F.Araceae |
Its rhizomesare nauseant, stomachic, anthelmentic, stimulants, emetic, expectorant, carminative, antispasmodic and tranquilizer. |
22 | Satavari Asparagus racemosus,F. Liliaceae |
Tuberous roots are bitter, adaptogenic sweet, emollient, cooling, diuretic, tonic and treatment of stiffness in the joints. |
23 | Kalmegh Andrographis paniculataF.Acanthaceae |
Bitter tonic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic. Used in viral hepatitis, children's bowel complaints, gastric acidity, liver congestion and colds. |
24 | Kalonji Nigella sativa, F. Ranunculaceae |
Laxative, purgative, its oil is tonic, used in jaundice, ameneorrhoea, abdominal ulcer and piles. |
25 | Ghritkumari Aloe vera,F. Liliaceae |
Laxative, purgative, drug juice is tonic and is used in jaundice, ameneorrhoea, piles and cutaneous disorders. |
26 | Capsicum |
27 | Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum, F. Zingiberaceae |
Used as spice, masticatory, flavouringand in the treatment of throat infections |
28 | Duddhi |