Year/sem.: 1st /1st THEORY
- CO1: Gain knowledge of the basic structural organisation of human body; Understand the levels of organization at cellular level.
- CO2: Understand the structural and functional classification of skeletal system.
- CO3: Learn the role of blood and lymph; Understand the function of Lymphatic system.
- CO4: Learn the concepts of Peripheral Nervous System and special senses.
- CO5: Understand the structural and functional classification of Cardio-vascular system.
- CO1: Understand the knowledge on preparatory pharmacy and professional way of evaluating various conventional drugs, raw materials and formulations.
- CO2: Explain the theoretical basis of commonly used statistical methods & correctly analyze & interpret the results of statistical data from surveys, experiments & observational studies.
- CO3: Illustrate sources of errors in analytical techniques, methods to minimize them.
- CO4: Describe the various titrimetric and electrochemical methods of analysis and their application in quality control of pharmaceuticals.
- CO5: Describe gravimetry and limit tests-principles and applications.
- CO6: Differentiate between the ability and limitations of all the methods and be able to choose a suitable method, when needed.
- CO1: Explain career opportunities in pharmacy, different types of dosage form and how dose can be calculated on the basis of age, body weight and body surface area of the patient.
- CO2: Describe powder and liquid dosage forms, excipients used in liquid dosage forms and solubility enhancement techniques.
- CO3: Understand monophasic and biphasic liquid formulations along with their preparation methods.
- CO4: Define and evaluate suppository, displacement value and pharmaceutical incompatibilities.
- CO5: Discuss semisolid dosage forms, its preparation methods and evaluation parameters.
- CO1: Study the monographs of inorganic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
- CO2: Distinguish the sources of impurities and methods to determine the impurities in inorganic drugs and pharmaceuticals.
- CO3: Recognize the medicinal and pharmaceutical importance of inorganic compounds.
- CO4: Know the method of preparation, physical and chemical properties, medicinal and pharmaceutical importance of inorganic compounds.
- CO5: Study of radioisotopes, properties, storage conditions, precautions and pharmaceutical applications of radioactive substances.
- CO1: Students will learn basic concepts/ knowledge of Communication process, its types, Barriers to communication and Perspectives in communication
- CO2: Students will learn Elements of communication: Tone, body language, gesture, communication styles, Verbal and Non-verbal mode of communications
- CO3: Students will learn about Basic Listening skills: active listening, listening in difficult situations, Written communication: shades of meaning, complexity of topic, Audience factor, organization of the message
- CO4: Students will be made aware about Interview skills, Do's and Don'ts of an interview, Presentation skills: planning and structuring, delivery and techniques of presentation as well
- CO5: Students will be made aware about Group Discussion and its nuanced aspects: role of communication skills in GD and Do's and Don'ts of GD
- CO1: Students will be able to learn about basic concept/ Knowledge of animal cell, Aminal Tissue, cell division and cell organelles'
- CO2: Students will be able to learn about basic concept/ Knowledge of plant respiration, plant growth and development, plant and mineral nutrition, photosynthesis
- CO3: Students will be able to learn about classifications & salient feature of five kingdoms of life Anatomy and Physiology human, anatomy and physiology of plant
- CO4: Students will be able to learn about circulatory, digestive, respiratory and excreatory system of human
- CO5: Students will be able to learn about Morphology of plant, Root, Stem, Leaf and its modification
- CO1: Students will be able to learn about basic skills and extend their knowledge as they prepare for more advanced work.
- CO2: Students will be able to learn about mathematical concepts and principles to perform computations for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- CO3: Students will be able to learn about classifications & salient feature of basic mathematics such as Identifying numbers, arrange numbers into arrays, to find solution of pharmacokinetics equations, etc.
- CO4: Student shall be able to Know Trignometry, Analytical geometry, Matrices, Determinant, Integration, Differential equation, Laplace transform and their applications.
- CO5: Students will be able to learn to solve the problems of different types by applying theory and appreciate the important applications of mathematics in pharmacy.
- CO1: Knowledge about basic terms of medicine and pharmaceutical field.
- CO2: Application Understanding of Constructed and Non Constructed medical terms.
- CO3: Ability to relate with new terms by understanding of Word Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes.
- CO4: Development of scientific knowledge and aptitude
- CO5: Better understanding of different subjects in the curriculum for eg: Anatomy, Pathophysiology Pharmacology.
- CO1: To understand key functions in management as applied in practice and also throw light on development of management thoughts.
- CO2: To understand in more specific management related areas from planning and also the role of MBO and decision making in setting organizational objectives
- CO3: To understand about the principle of organization and also the role of authority and responsibility in different organizational structure.
- CO4: To understand about the importance of staffing and also the role of leadership and motivation in an organization
- CO5: To understand the importance of controlling in Management and how different control techniques are used for effective performance.
Year/Sem.: 1st / 2nd
- CO1: Understandfundamental concepts and structures related to the nervous system, as well as the functions and interactions within the CNS. They would be able to apply this knowledge to explain the processes of nerve impulse transmission, synaptic communication, and reflex activity.
- CO2: Knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of gastrointestinal system and itsaccessory organ, includingcommon disorders of the GI tract. Additionally, they will acquire knowledge about the Energetics.
- CO3: Provide basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of respiratory system and urinary system.They will also be familiar with common disorders of the kidney and their potential treatments.
- CO4: Learn aboutanatomy and physiology of endocrine system and hormones produced by endocrine glands and their roles in regulating various physiological processes,including common disorders of the endocrine system.
- CO5: Understanding of the reproductive system, including the anatomy, functions, and hormonal regulation of the male and female reproductive systems. Additionally, students will have an introduction to the basic concepts of genetics.
- CO1: Recognise the classification, nomenclature and structural isomerism in organic compounds.
- CO2: Account the preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes and conjugated dienes.
- CO3: Explore the methods of synthesis, reactions and uses of alkyl halides and alcohols.
- CO4: Investigate the synthetic routes, nucleophilic addition reactions, qualitative tests utilized for carbonyl compounds.
- CO5: Evaluate the preparation, effect of substituents on reactivity, structure and uses of carboxylic acids & aliphatic amines.
- CO1: Understand the importance of metabolism of substrates and their bioregulation
- CO2: Understand the chemical and biological importance of biological macromolecules
- CO3: Get Acquainted with qualitative and quantitative estimation of the biological macromolecules
- CO4: Understand and apply the interpretation of data emanating from a Diagnostic Test Lab
- CO5: Understand the manner in which enzymes,physiological conditions and their variation influence the structures andreactivities of biomolecules
- CO6: Understand the basic principles of protein and polysaccharide structure
- CO1: Understand the basic principles of cell injury, adaptation and mechanism of inflammation and repair.
- CO2: Students will acquirethe conceptual knowledge on pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases.
- CO3: Students will understand the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and the treatment approach for the haematological diseases as well as diseases of endocrine and gastrointestinal system.
- CO4: Students will learn about pathogenesis of different infectious diseases and be well informed about the sexually transmitted disease.
- CO5: Students will acquire conceptual knowledge oninflammatory diseases. They will develop a basic understanding of pathogenesis of cancer and the diseases of bones and joints.
- CO1: Understanding various types number systems.
- CO2: Understanding various types of databases.
- CO3: Understanding various types of application of computers in pharmacy.
- CO4: Understanding Bioinformatics and databases and impact of Bioinformatics in Vaccine Discovery.
- CO5: Understanding Computers as data analysis in Preclinical development.
Year/Sem.: 2nd / 3rd
- CO1: Understand the concept of aromaticity, structure and general reactions of Benzene.
- CO2: recognize different reactions given by different acidic and basic aromatic compounds
- CO3: Learn about lipids, their types and different analytical constants to find the quality of lipids.
- CO4: Learn about polynuclear hydrocarbons, their reactions and structure elucidation
- CO5: Learn about cycloalkanes and different theories for the stabilities of cycloalkanes
- CO1: Understand the mechanisms of solute solvent interactions, different factors which improve solubility of drugs and diffusion principles in biological systems.
- CO2: Explain states and properties of matter, eutectic mixtures and various physicochemical properties of drug molecules.
- CO3: Define surface tension, differentiate between surface and interfacial tension and how to measure surface and interfacial tension by different methods.
- CO4: Describe complexation and protein binding, and how protein binding effect on drug action.
- CO5: Discuss buffer isotonic solutions, purpose behind maintaining the isotonicity of drug solution.
- CO1: The students should understand the methods of identification, cultivation and preservation of various microorganisms.
- CO2: The students should understand about Staining, sterilization and Evaluation of the efficiency of sterilization methods.
- CO3: To understand about disinfectants, and their evaluation, sterility testing methods of pharmaceutical products.
- CO4: The students should understand about aseptic area, sources of contamination, clean area classification and microbiological standardization methods of Pharmaceuticals.
- CO5: The students should understand the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical products, reservation of pharmaceutical products, cell culture technology and its applications in pharmaceutical industries.
- CO1: Recognize the importance of size reduction, size separation and fluid flow during pharmaceutical manufacturing.
- CO2: Schematize and apply the principles of different heat processes used in pharmaceutical industries.
- CO3: Describe the mechanisms and applications of drying and mixing processes.
- CO4: Solve the issues related to filtration and centrifugation.
- CO5: Apply different preventive methods used for the control of corrosion in pharmaceutical plants.
Year/Sem.: 2nd / 4th
- CO1: Understand the concept of stereoisomerism especially optical isomerism.
- CO2: Identify & describe the concept of geometrical and conformational isomerism
- CO3: Classify chemical reactions & providenomenclature of heterocyclic compounds.
- CO4: Remember different reactions and medicinal uses of larger heterocyclic compounds
- CO5: Explain the concept of reduction, oxidation, rearrangement reactions and describe their applications
- CO1: Well acquainted with chemistry of general anesthetics, Narcotics, Non-narcotics & Anti- inflammatory agents.
- CO2: Well acquainted with the chemistry of cholinergic and anticholinergic drugs.
- CO3: To understand chemistry of drugs acting on Autonomic nervous system.
- CO4: Have basic knowledge, chemistry of drugs acting on CNS like sedatiives, hypnotics, antipsychotic & anticonvulsant.
- CO5: Understand basic concept of medicinal chemistry physicochemical properties and drug metabolism.
- CO1: Understand various physicochemical properties of drug molecules in the designing the dosage form
- CO2: Understand the concept of viscosity and flow behaviour in the formulation development and evaluation of dosage forms.
- CO3: Knowledge of physicochemical properties, formulation factors and instability markers in development of biphasic liquid dosages forms.
- CO4: Demonstrate the application of particle size in designing the dosages forms.
- CO5: Know the principles of chemical kinetics & to use them in assigning expiry date for Formulation
- CO1: Understand the pharmacological actions of different categories of drugs
- CO2: Explain the mechanism of drug action at organ system/sub cellular/macromolecular levels
- CO3: Apply the basic pharmacological knowledge in the prevention and treatment of various diseases
- CO4: Observe the effect of drugs on animals by simulated experiments
- CO5: Appreciate correlation of pharmacology with other bio medical sciences
- CO1: Gain knowledge on biological source, active constituents and uses of crude drug; Understand the techniques of evaluation of crude drugs as per the WHO guidelines.
- CO2: Understand the basic principles of cultivation, collection and storage of crude drugs; Application of the crop improvement concepts involved in techniques for improvement of quality of medicinal plants.
- CO3: Exploring the tissue culture technique in medicinal plants.
- CO4: Appreciate the applications of Primary &Secondary metabolites of the plant and explore its medicinal importance.
- CO5: Understand the principles and application of different system of alternative medicine.
- CO6: Explore novel medicinal agents from different sources of natural origin.
Year/Sem.: 3rd / 5th
- CO1: Know the types of biological targets in humans and the structural requirement of drugs interacting with them and comprehend & correlate the biological systems involved in drug action for drugs acting as Antihistamines, Gastric Proton pump inhibitors, Antineoplastics, Diuretics, CVS drugs, Steroids, Thyroids and antithyroids, Antidiabetics and Local Anesthetics.
- CO2: Explain chemical interactions of endogenous molecules with specific receptors or enzymes and the molecular effects of their respective agonists and antagonists through Structure Activity relationship studies of drugs for the following category of drugs
- CO3: Antihistamines, Gastric Proton pump inhibitors, Antineoplastics, Diuretics, CVS drugs, Steroids, Thyroids and antithyroids, Antidiabetics and Local Anesthetics.
- CO4: Predict the drug metabolic pathways, adverse effect and therapeutic value from the structure of drugs and provide information on the storage of drugs based on the chemical stability. Antihistamines, Gastric Proton pump inhibitors, Antineoplastics, Diuretics, CVS, Steroids, Thyroids and antithyroids, Antidiabetics and Local Anesthetics.
- CO5: Demonstrate knowledge of chemical synthesis of important drugs such as Cimetidine, Mechlorethamine, Mercaptopurine, Methotrexate, Acetazolamide, Chlorothiazide, Furosemide, Methyl dopa, Nitroglycerin, Isosorbide, Disopyramide, Warfarin, Tolbutamide, Benzocaine, Procaine and Dibucaine.
- CO1: Acquire the knowledge of physicochemical properties of drugs (Preformulations) as a tool in the optimization of solid and liquid dosage forms.
- CO2: Formulate and prepare tablets, capsules and liquid orals using established procedures and technology.
- CO3: Understand the various considerations in development of Capsules and Pellets.
- CO4: Plan and prepare different types of parenteral and ophthalmic dosage forms.
- CO5: Select and formulate cosmetics products and appropriate packaging materials.
- CO1: Discuss & Interpret about the application of various blood forming agents and their role in treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Further able to analyze the importance of Diuretics in certain CVDs.
- CO2: Explain about the mechanism of drug action and its relevance in the treatment of different diseases.
- CO3: Apply their knowledge to understand and describe about how Autocoids involved in development of inflammatory disorders like Gout and Arthritis and their treatment.
- CO4: Demonstrate about endocrine hormones and their physiological role and can justify the uses of Insulin ,OHA,Corticosteroids, Thyroid hormone regulators in various disorders.
- CO5: Detect the role of sex hormones and their applications as in Oral contraceptives. Define Bioassay types and methods for specific drug.
- CO1: Discuss the general technique of biosynthesis of phytoconstituents in plants.
- CO2: Apprehended the composition, chemistry & chemical classes, bio-sources, therapeutic uses and commercial applications of different plants secondary metabolites.
- CO3: Accomplished in the Isolation, Identification and Analysis of Phytoconstituents.
- CO4: Accomplished in the production estimation and utilization of phytoconstituents in industrial scale
- CO5: Accomplished in the estimation and analysis of the different phytoconstituents with help of instrument based on chromatography and spectroscopy.
- CO1: Remember the pharmaceutical legislations and their implications in the development and marketing of pharmaceuticals
- CO2: Gain information on various Indian Pharmaceutical Laws
- CO3: Describe the regulatory authorities and agencies governing the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals
- CO4: Understand the code of ethics to be followed during pharmacy practice
- CO5: Knowthe various Intellectual Property Rights
- CO6: Understand various offences and penalties in contravention to different Act
Year/Sem.: 3rd / 6th
- CO1: Know the types of biological targets in humans and the structural requirement of drugs interacting with them and comprehend and correlate the biological systems involved in drug action for drugs acting as Antibiotics, Anti-infective – Antibacterial, Antiprotozoals, Antivirals, Antifungals and Anthelmintics
- CO2: Explain chemical interactions of endogenous molecules with specific receptors or enzymes and the molecular effects of their respective agonists and antagonists through Structure Activity relationship studies of drugs for the following category of drugs Antibiotics, Anti-infective – Antibacterial, Antiprotozoals, Antivirals, Antifungals and Anthelmintics
- CO3: Predict the drug metabolic pathways, adverse effect and therapeutic value from the structure of drugs and provide information on the storage of drugs based on the chemical stability.
- CO4: Demonstrate knowledge of chemical synthesis of important drugs such as Chloramphenicol, Chloroquine, Pamaquine, Isoniazid, Para amino salicylic acid, Ciprofloxacin, Nitrofurantoin, Acyclovir, Miconazole, Metronidazole, Diethylcarbamazine, Mebendazole, Sulfacetamide, Sulfamethoxazole, Dapsone.
- CO5: Explain physico chemical properties related to QSAR and Describe various approaches and designing of drug molecules including prodrug and Combinatorial chemistry
- CO1: The chief objective of the unit was to provide basic knowledge about the disease of respiratory system / gastrointetinal system B8 and drugs used in these problems.
- CO2: The chief objective of the unit was to provide basic knowledge about the disease arises due to infections by bacteria / virus and drugs used in these problems.
Mechanism of action, adverse effect, drug interaction, contraindication arises due to use of Penicillins, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, macrolides,quinolones and fluoroquinolins, tetracycline and aminoglycosides drugs and their management .
- CO3: The chief objective of this unit is to provide basic knowledge of drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis,leprosy,viral infection, worm infestation,fungal and amoebic infection
- CO4: This subject is designed to impart basic knowledge on the area of medicine used in malignancy, sexually transmitted diseases, transplantation and immunity enhancer agents.
The chief objective of the unit was to provide basic knowledge about the anticancer drugs, drugs used in sexually transmitted diseases, immunostimulants and immunosuppressants drugs.
Mechanism of action, adverse effect, drug interaction, contraindication arises due to use of these drugs and their management .
- CO5: The chief objective of the unit was to provide basic knowledge about the of acute, subacute and chronic toxicity and drugs used in these problems. Definition and basic knowledge of genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and mutagenicity,General principles of treatment of poisoning, Clinical symptoms and management of barbiturates, morphine,organophosphosphorus compound and lead, mercury and arsenic poisoning. Definition of rhythm and cycles.Biological clock and their significance leading to chronotherapy.
- CO1: Discuss the crude drug raw material as source of herbal drugs by cultivation process and knowledge of traditional system of medicine.
- CO2: Apprehended the role of Nutraceuticals in treatment of various disease and Herbal-Drug and Herb-Food Interactions.
- CO3: Apprehended the role of natural excipients in Herbal formulations and cosmetics.
- CO4: Accomplished the Patenting aspects, Regulatory Issues and WHO and ICH guidelines for evaluation and assessment of Traditional drugs and Natural Products.
- CO5: Discuss the General Introduction to Herbal Industry and Good Manufacturing Practice of Indian systems of medicine.
- CO1: Understand the mechanisms of drug absorption through GIT, factors influencing drug absorption though GIT.
- CO2: Explain metabolic pathways, factors affecting renal excretion of drugs and different terms of bioavailability.
- CO3: Describe compartmental modeling, various pharmacokinetic parameters, their significance and applications.
- CO4: Evaluate kinetics of multiple dosing, loading and mainetnance doses and their significance.
- CO5: Understand the concept of non-linear pharmacokinetics and remember factors causing non-linearity and Michaelis-menton method of estimating parameters.
- CO1: Understanding the basics of biotechnology including genetic engineering, Protein Engineering and Production of Enzymes, enzymes immobilization and biosensors.
- CO2: Understanding Genetic engineering, Study of Recombinant DNA technology, PCR and production of biotechnological products.
- CO3: Understanding the immune system, Hypersensitivity reactions, Monoclonal antibodies and vaccines.
- CO4: Know the importance of various immunological techniques i.e. Microbial genetics, Microbial biotransformation and Mutation.
- CO5: Study of fermentation technology, production of various pharmaceutical products and Collection, Processing and Storage of Blood Products.
- CO1: Understand the scope of quality certifications applicable to pharmaceutical industries and the role of regulatory agencies in deciding quality standards.
- CO2: Know the responsibilities of personnel, environmental monitoring and sterilization of the area as well as raw materials and equipment.
- CO3: Apply the cGMP aspects in the pharmaceutical industry and analyse the responsibilities of QA & QC departments
- CO4: Appreciate the importance of documentation
- CO5: Analyse the significance of validation in quality assurance.
Year/Sem.: 4th / 7th
- CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substances by UV Visible and fluorescence spectroscopy
- CO2: Analyze the essentials of nepheloturbidometry, flame photometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy.
- CO3: Apprehend the analysis of pharmaceutical substances by chromatographic techniques and electrophoresis.
- CO4: Recognize the principle, instrumentation and applications of gas chromatography & high performance liquid chromatography.
- CO5: Deal with the fundamentals of ion exchange, affinity chromatography and gel chromatography.
- CO1: Discuss the process of pilot plant scale up of pharmaceutical dosage forms.
- CO2: Demonstrate the process of technology development and transfer from lab scale to commercial.
- CO3: Explain the approval process and regulatory requirements of drug products
- CO4: Understand the Quality management system (QMS) and common measures in Quality.
- CO5: Describe the organization and structure of Indian regulatory agencies and their role and responsibilities.
- CO1: Know and understand the Hospital organization and detect and assess adverse drug reactions, reporting and its management.
- CO2: Knowledge of various drug distribution methods system in the hospital, and monitor drug therapy of Patient, role pharmacist in medication adherence and community pharmacy management .also know how to obtain medication history interview
- CO3: Know and understand guideline of know pharmaceutical care services such therapeutic committee, drug information services, patient counseling, and also able to answer the role of pharmacist in education and training of program., monitor drug therapy of patient through medication chart review and clinical review.
- CO4: Able to understand the medication of management, budget preparation and its implementation, and also help in rational use of common over the counter medication
- CO5: Able to understand the appreciate pharmacy stores and inventory control management and able to interpret selected laboratory results of specific disease states and controlling of investigational use of drugs.
- CO1: Know the criteria for selection of drugs and polymers for the development of novel drug delivery systems and understand various approaches for development of novel drug delivery systems, their formulation and evaluation.
- CO2: Know the approaches, technologies and drug carriers used in the process of drugdelivery which serves to improve the selectivity, effectiveness, and/or safety of drug administration.
- CO3: The students should understand about Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems, Gastro-retentive drug delivery systems and Naso-pulmonary drug delivery system
- CO4: To understand Targeted Drug Delivery including liposomes, niosomes, nanoparticles, monoclonal antibodies.
- CO5: To understand Ocular Drug Delivery Systems and Intrauterine Drug Delivery Systems including intra uterine devices (IUDs).
Year/Sem.: 4th / 8th
- CO1: Describe the applications of biostatics and measure of central tendency, dispersion and correlation.
- CO2: Understand the regression analysis, probability theory and parametric tests.
- CO3: Apprehend the designing of methodology for research, observational and experimental studies.
- CO4: Know the concept of blocking, confounding and regression analysis and use of M.S. Excel, SPSS, R and MINITAB®, DoE (Design of experiment).
- CO5: Choose the appropriate design and analysis of experiments such as factorial design and response surface methodology.
- CO1: Able to know about disease, health and health education and acquire the knowledge of nutrition and hygiene.
- CO2: Acquire knowledge about prevention and control of various diseases.
- CO3: Able to understand various national health programs.
- CO4: Understand about National health intervention programme.
- CO5: Acquire the knowledge of community services, NRHM and NUHM.
- CO1: Students will learn about the different type of pharmaceutical marketing.
- CO2: Students will acquire the knowledge of product positioning in pharmaceutical marketing
- CO3: Student will understand about the different promotional techniques of pharmaceutical product in competitive market.
- CO4: Student will understand about the understanding of marketing channel in pharmaceutical marketing industry.
- CO5: Students will acquire the knowledge and Know-how the pharmaceutical marketing management groom the people for taking a challenging role in Sales and management of pharmaceutical Products
- CO1: Understand the concepts of innovator and generic drugs, drug development process.
- CO2: Know the regulatory guidance’s and guidelines for filing and approval process, preparation of dossiers and their submission to regulatory agencies in different countries
- CO3: Know the regulatory authorities and agencies governing the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals and the submission of global documents in CTD/ eCTD, ASEAN formats.
- CO4: Understand the clinical trials requirements for approvals for conducting clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and process of monitoring in clinical trials
- CO5: Knowledge of basic terminology, regulatory guidance’s, guidelines, laws and acts.
- CO1: Understand the national as well as international significance of Pharmacovigilance.
- CO2: Implement and spread awareness about drug safety.
- CO3: Identify, analyse and classify the types of ADRs.
- CO4: Able to prepare ADR report as per international guidelines using Standard terminologies.
- CO5: Understand preclinical, clinical and post approval phases of a new drug.
- CO1: Gain knowledge on biological source, active constituents and uses of crude drugs Understand the techniques of evaluation of crude drugs as per the WHO guidelines
- CO2: Understand the basic principles of cultivation, collection and storage of crude drugs Application of the crop improvement concepts involved in techniques for improvement of quality of medicinal plants
- CO3: Exploring the tissue culture technique in medicinal plants
- CO4: Appreciate the applications of Primary &Secondary metabolites of the plant and explore its medicinal importance based on its chemical class Understand the principles and application of different system of alternative medicine
- CO5: Explore novel medicinal agents from different sources of natural origin
- CO1: Understand the process of Design and discovery of lead molecules
- CO2: Appreciate the role of drug design in drug discovery process
- CO3: Understand and apply the concept of QSAR and docking
- CO4: Apply various strategies to develop new drug like molecules
- CO5: Understand the designing of new drug molecules using molecular modeling software
- CO6: Appreciate importance of computational methods in drug design and discovery processes
- CO1: Understanding the history of cell and molecular biology, cellular functioning and composition and chemical foundations of cell biology.
- CO2: Understanding about DNA and RNA and their functioning.
- CO3: Students able to Describe protein structure and function, Protein Synthesis.
- CO4: Know the basic molecular genetic mechanisms.
- CO5: Summarize the Cell Cycle including Cell Signals, Receptors for Cell Signals, Signalling Pathways.
- CO1: Gain information on key ingredients used in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals
- CO2: Understand key building blocks of cosmetics for various formulations
- CO3: Know the current technologies in the market
- CO4: Understand the scientific principles to develop cosmetics and cosmeceuticals with desired safety
- CO5: Know the various problems induced due to cosmetics
- CO1: Appreciate the knowledge gained on pre clinical evaluation of drugs and recent experimental techniques in the drug discovery and development.
- CO2: Understood the various laboratory animals and their maintenance as per the guidelines and also describe good laboratory practices in maintenance and handling of experimental animals.
- CO3: Appraised the regulations and ethical requirement for the usage of experimental animals.
- CO4: Learnt and describe the various pre clinical screening methods (in-vitro and in-vivo) involved in the drug discovery process.
- CO5: Correlate the pre clinical data to human’s clinical data.
- CO1: Investigate the pharmaceutical substances by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
- CO2: Analyze the essentials of thermal methods of analysis and X ray diffraction methods.
- CO3: Apprehend the calibration and validation of analytical instruments.
- CO4: Recognize the fundamentals of radio immune assay and extraction techniques.
- CO5: Deal with the fundamentals of hyphenated techniques.
- CO1: Define and classify nutraceuticals, functional foods and dietary supplements and role of nutraceuticals in prevention or cure various diseases.
- CO2: Describe about source, chemistry and medicinal uses of several natural nutraceuticals.
- CO3: Understand free radicals production and its damaging reactions on lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and study about Dietary fibres and complex carbohydrates.
- CO4: Explain the role of free radicals in development of chronic diseases, aging and the role of natural and synthetic antioxidants, functional foods in prevention of chronic diseases.
- CO5: Recognize the effects of processing, storage, environmental factors and regulatory aspects for maintaining quality of nutraceuticals.
- CO1: Explain pharmaceutical product development
- CO2: Know pharmaceutical excipients
- CO3: Improve pharmaceutical product development by quality by design (QbD) techniques
- CO4: Application of excipients in pharmaceutical formulations
- CO5: Know about regulatory requirements for packaging material for pharmaceuticals.