It is a matter of pleasure to inform that under the aegis of Legal Aid Clinic which has been established under Section 24 of the National Legal Services Authority Regulation 2011, Faculty of Law, Integral University, Lucknow had organized a free legal aid camp at "Bhakamau Village, Kursi Road", Lucknow on 25th February, 2019.
Under the guidance of the Coordinator Legal Aid Clinic, teachers and students participated in the programme enthusiastically providing general knowledge of the hidden aspects of the Law to the residents of the said village and the expert advice on disputed legal issues were given by our legal Expert Advocate Waqarul Hasan (Ex Additional Director CBCID UP).
Various residents had raised their legal disputes upon which satisfactory advice were given by our legal Expert such as: -
1. Regarding allocation of land,
2. Regarding domestic Violence
3. Regarding SC/ST atrocities
4. Recovery of Money, Etc.
Overall, it was a successful programme for invoking the knowledge of the rights and duties available to basic rural inhabitants of the said villagers.