Integral University Lucknow PB: Develop Your Soft Skills and Leadership

Proctor's Corner

WELCOME TO Proctorial Board

  • The office of the Proctor has been established under Section 14 (10) of the Private University Act No. 12 of 2019 and Statute 15 of the Act No. 12 of 2019. It states that the Chief Proctor shall be appointed by the Executive Council from among university teachers with at least the rank of Professor or nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
  • The Proctor shall assist the Vice Chancellor in maintaining discipline among the students of the University. Dy. Proctor may also be nominated to assist the Proctor.
  • The Proctor shall exercise such power and is supposed to perform such duties which may be assigned to him from time to time by the Vice Chancellor.
  • The Proctor shall be member of Governing Body and Executive Council.