Integral University Lucknow | MOOC: Massive Open Online Courses for Skill Development

MOOC Courses

MOOC Courses

A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. There are various organizations who are providing MOOC courses, They are NPTEL for engineering, UGC for post-graduate education, CEC for under-graduate education, NCERT & NIOS for school education, IGNOU for out of the school students and for management studies.


SWAYAM is a platform which provides MOOC courses from all organizations (NPTEL, UGC, IGNOU, NCERT, etc).

This program is an initiative of Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality.The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all.

This is done through an indigenously developed IT platform that facilitates hosting of all the courses, taught in classrooms from 9th class till post-graduation to be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time. All the courses are interactive, prepared by the best teachers in the country and are available to the residents in India.

SWAYAM Course at IUL

University has NPTEL local chapter, which provides various courses for engineering. The courses provided by NPTEL are available on These courses are approved by SWAYAM.

University offers students to opt SWAYAM courses as open/ departmental elective.

For queries students can contact their departmental SWAYAM coordinator (DSC)

S.No. Department Name Email
1 Bio-Engg. Mohammad Haneef
2 Bio-Science Swati Sharma
3 Management Amit Kumar Goel
4 Electrical Engg. Mirza Mohd Shadab
5 Mechanical Engg. Mohammad Seraj
5 Pharmacy Mr. Ranjan Kumar
7 Electronics & Communication Engineering Dr. Ayan Mustafa Khan

University SWAYAM Coordinator:

Dr. Ayan Mustafa Khan
Electronics & Communication Engg.

Spoken Tutorial Courses under MOOC

The Spoken Tutorial Project comes under National Mission on Education through ICT, funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Spoken Tutorial is about teaching and learning a particular FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) and covers many useful IT topics, such as Basic IT Literacy, Tux Typing, K Turtle, C, C++, Java, PHP, Linux, Scilab, Python, Open FOAM, PERL, Ruby, Libre Office, Blender, GeoGebra, Jmol, GChemPaint and Inkscape. There are about 630 original spoken tutorials, created in English. These videos are dubbed into all 22 Indian languages.

Students can participate in these trainings through their departmental coordinators on spoken tutorial website (, Where they can download spoken tutorials free of cost and can see the list of courses offered (Click Here) . Current status of all the training/workshops conducted in the Integral University campus and list of successful participants can be seen on below links.


Reports of the Programs

To get the details of the Universities doing Spoken Tutorial MOOC training across the country.(Click Here)

Overall Mentor of the Program:

Prof. Monowar Alam Khalid,
Dean Students' Welfare.

University Spoken Tutorial Project Coordinator:

Mr. Mohammad Usama,
Department of Environmental Science.

Training Manager (U.P) Spoken Tutorial Project:

Mr. Aashraya Seth,
IIT Bombay.