Social Services & Extension Activities

Free Legal Aid Camp

Integral Unversity Event

Legal Aid Society, Faculty of Law, Integral University organized a Free-legal Aid Camp at Panchayat Bhawan, Bhadsar, Lucknow, On, October 25, 2021. The guests for this camp were Advocate Anjani Kumar and Advocate Suvek Singh along with Deepak Kumar Lodhi [Gram Pradhan. Society Faculty Coordinator and other Faculty Members of the department also graced with their presence.

For the aforesaid purpose, the Society organized a Free Legal Camp to cater to the needs of people living adjacent to the Panchayat Bhawan, Bhadsar B.K.T, Lucknow. The program started with an awareness session that intervened with making people aware of their constitutional rights and duties. The program proceeded with Advocate Anjani Kumar making people aware of Free Legal Aid and its importance and Advocate Suvek Singh enlightening them about the end of the law-"Justice". The awareness campaign was put to an end with a Nukkad-Natak on the proliferation of Suicide and its remedy, performed by students of the Faculty of Law, Integral University.

Post awareness session: Free-legal Advice Camp was organized with the help of renowned lawyers of Lucknow: where the people of Bhadhsar came to seek legal advice for their sub-judice legal matters. Around 50 people successfully sought the advice and help of our legal experts. The student of middler-year and penultimate-year of the Faculty of Law also join the Camp to learn from the legal experts and facilitate the easy organization of the Camp.