Academics & Research

National Education Policy (NEP)-2020

Integral Unversity Event

HRDC and DSW Office, Integral University, Lucknow jointly organized a Seven-Day Refresher Course on National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 from 24 Feb. 2021 to 3 March 2021 in order to sensitize its faculty with the upcoming reforms in the education system. Prof. A. K. Saxena, Dean, Department of Commerce and Business Management, deliberated on the new education policy on Day 1 and Day 2, stating that the reform is a welcome move and has a conducive approach which will eventually turn out to be favourable for both the students and the facilitators. On Day 3, the faculty members were addressed by Dr. Anil Kumar, State Coordinator & Nodal Officer, SPIU (MHRD) who informed them about the efforts taken by the State/Central Government in implementing NEP-2020. The faculty members came up with their opinions about the policy and given few suggestions also. A total of 234 faculty members actively participated in the quiz competition held on Day 4 of the refresher course. 10 faculty members gave each other a cut-throat competition in essay writing on the topic, “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” and “NEP-2020: Advantages and Disadvantages” on Days. Strong opinions were heard by the faculty members during the debate competition which had 4 dynamic and articulate speakers for the motion and 5 against it on Day 6. The topic for debate was “Globalization of Indian Education Eco-System as per NEP-2020: Boon or Bane?” Mr. Ranjan Kumar from the Department of Pharmacy, Mr. Tabish Izhar from the Department of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Ayan Mustafa from the Department of Electronics and Communication bagged first prizes in essay, debate and quiz competitions respectively. The last day (Day 7) of the course saw an overwhelming response from the audience during the open discussion wherein people praised the policy alongside pointing out its weak areas. Prof. Monowar Alam Khalid, Dean, Students’ Welfare, & Dr. Syed Aqeel Ahmad, Director, HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow shared their views and concerns for the same. Mr. Zishan Raza Khan, Dy. Director, HRDC, concluded the refresher course by proposing the vote of thanks.