
Network Giants :The Battle of Igneous Minds

Integral Unversity Event

“Networking is not just about connection between people. It's about connecting people with their ideas and providing opportunities to explore the world of knowledge.”

NETWORK GIANTS event was a networking event which was organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. This event was organized in two rounds.First workshop on "NETWORKING" was held on 25th of November, 2016 & second workshop on "LINUX" was held on 28th of November, 2016. The participants were to configure networks & qualify test on the basis of the workshop given to them.The objective of the event was to help the students learn more about networking and test their skills and knowledge based on their learnings in the workshop.There were no prerequisites and any student from computer background could participate in this event. The students learnt LINUX programming and other basic skills.The faculty always encourages the students to participate in such events and also makes sure to bring experts from various organizations to the university who can teach the students and share their knowledge with them.