Social Services & Extension Activities

Online Workshop on Standup against Street Harassment

Integral Unversity Event

On June 01st ,2021, Department of Languages, Integral University organized an online workshop titled "STANDUP AGAINST STREET HARASSMENT" in association with "Hollaback Breakthrough" to inspire people to effectively respond when they witness or experience street harassment. The resource person was Mr. Shubham Tiwari, Acting coach/Theatre Actor/Director/Social Activist/Trainer who has worked as an actor in plays like Anmol Khazana,Sohar: Ek Avantar Katha, Musalman and many more followed by films like Mann ke Pahun, Mouse Trap as an assistant director. He achieved fellowship with Changelooms-Changemaker 'YES & Pravahs (2018), Sajag Association for Advocacy and Legal Initiatives (2019), Breakthrough India loreal Paris'(2021). Mohd Siddique Khan, Assistant Professor, coordinator started the session with the brief introduction of the guest Mr. Shubham Tiwari and welcomed all the participants.

The appendix aimed how best to prevent harassment to create safe and inclusive environment. The webinar was structured in a PPT with visual impact. The resource person talked about what harassment looks like from micro aggressions to violence and how "hollaback 5 D's" of bystander intervention can help: distract, delegate, document, delay and direct. The live session was joined by 100+ people including faculty members from the different departments of the University via google meet where they all learned about how to prioritize their own safety while intervening and how to respond if they get harassed and also provided an in-depth discussion with all the candidates.

Lastly, the session concluded with the vote of thanks to the speaker on behalf of the department of languages and participants were also given e-certificate for the session.