The Department of Architecture, under the aegis of the Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design, organized a 5 weeks Value Added Course on “Climatology and ENVI-met - Decoding Urban Nature”. The course was designed for UG and PG Students for B.Arch, M.Arch., M.Plan., B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) and (Environmental Engineering) streams. A number of students from various branches registered in the course.
The aim of the course was to see insights and implications of climate through design simulation. Macro, as well as Micro climates, are to be considered during the simulation and so a better proposal of building footprints can be obtained prior to execution.
The course was formulated and proposed by Dr. Safiullah Khan, Head, Department of Architecture and well coordinated by Ar. Kaneez Aiema Rizvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture with the resource experts from parent Department as well as Nationally renowned.
The resource persons in this Value-Added Course include-
1. Prof. Vandana Tiwari Srivastava, Professor in Lokmanya Tilak Institute of Architecture and Design Studies (LTIADS), Mumbai University, Mumbai
2. Prof. Zeba Nisar, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design, Integral University, Lucknow
3. Dr. Safiullah Khan, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Architecture, Integral University, Lucknow
4. Ar. Kaneez Aiema Rizvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Integral University, Lucknow
5. Ar. Umair Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Integral University, Lucknow
The students attended the online training session with dedication and enthusiasm. There was 5 hours of interactive training session every Saturday through Google meet with Quiz. The distribution of e-Certificate was based on student’s attendance and performance in the quizzes and attainment of minimum qualifying marks of overall 50% marks (minimum).
Summary of the training
· It was an online interactive training under the skill development programs of Department
· Total 50 UG and PG students from various branches registered for the course.
· 50 students have successfully completed VAC (E-Certificate Issued)
· Learning support by Resource person and Facilitators.