The fasts can improve a person’s health, but – if the correct diet is not followed, it can possibly worsen it. The deciding factor is not the fast itself, but rather what is consumed in the non-fasting hours. The diet should be simple and not differ too much from one’s normal everyday diet. It should contain foods from all the major food groups. He advised not to fast if the diabetic is 300+ mg/dl because it increases the possibility of cardiac diseases. He also drew attention that the holy Quran exempts the sick people from fasting. If such people fast, they harm the body. Dr. Usman said that the best solutions to insulin problems are different exercises. Dr. Khwaja Tariq Hasan, Naturopathy Expert while talking in detail about precautions to be taken during fasts, said that in general, the diet must be balanced and there should not be over eating at the time of breaking of fast. For naturopathy, he talked about mental, physical and spiritual fitness; he explained Asana, Parayana and Meditation. Dr. Hasan strictly emphasized on cleanliness, exercise, diet and 3R (Rest, Relaxation and Recreation). He said that body, mind and soul are Yog. The session ended with a healthy question and answer session.